Monday, March 26, 2018

SB 1303 (Pan & Gagliani), Amended in Senate

SB 1303 was introduced by Senator Pan on 02/16/18.  Senator Gagliani has joined as coauthor. The original bill had some loopholes (see references below) which have now been closed by language amended in the Senate on 03/22/18. The amendment is directed to the office of Medical Examiner (ME) who "shall be a physician and surgeon licensed to practice medicine in this state, or an osteopathic physician and surgeon licensed to practice osteopathic medicine in this state." 

Readers of this blog know that the state license issue has been paramount for this column. We're glad to see it resolved. Kudos to Pan and Gagliani. 

Unfortunately, still unresolved is the issue of Utilization Review and Independent Medical Review physicians who are not licensed in California but who are nonetheless allowed by law to deny authorizations for diagnostic tests and treatment for injured workers. 


"Probable Drowning (SB 1189,  Pan & Jackson)," The Weinmann Report, 05/23/2016

"SB 1303 (Pan & Gagliani) would replace coroners with medical examiners, The
Weinmann Report, 02/25/18

"Forensic Autopsy Legislation, SB 1189 and SB 1303, what happens when someone dies while in administrative custody," The Weinmann Report, 02/19/18

Update on SB 1303 as of 11 April 2018: this bill just got referred to a second committee, Public Safety. Legislators call that "double referred." Depending on your point of view, double-referral is either a second chance or double jeopardy. Chair of Public Safety is Senator Nancy Skinner, Vice Chair is Sen. Joel Anderson, other State Senate members are Steven Bradford, Hannah-Beth Jackson, Holly Mitchell, Jeff Stone, and Scott Wiener. Our Sacramento pundits say Stone and Anderson are likely to vote no --- they're not sure about the others. Are you? 

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