Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Barack Obama, 2015, SOTU: "If a bill comes to my desk that tries to do any of these things, I will veto it"

Part One

"Any of these things," that's what president Obama said during his SOTU speech. His meaning was clear: he referred to  four areas where he said that any Congressional amendments would be considered as "tinkering" and would be vetoed. He included immigration and the Affordable Care Act in this category. The promised vetoes revealed that our president was prepared to shift from a government characterized by the consent of the governed to one that would be more autocratic and unilateral. No previous president ever threatened Congress with four, count 'em, four vetoes. 

Our concern in this post is the Affordable Care Act (ACA), popularly known as Obamacare. It has long since been forgotten that the first important "tinkering" with the ACA was by Obama himself when he dropped the public option from the bill -- the public option was an awkward inconvenience at the time so the president "tinkered" with it. He used a hatchet.

Now efforts to improve the bill are either opposed by its far right opposition which would repeal the entire bill or get opposed by supposed supporters in favor of as much giveaway politics as is humanly possible. 

Here's the deal: the ACA contains two parts that are highly controversial, Sections 10320 and 3403. These sections in the ACA create the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB) which has the power to decide what Medicare will actually cover. The IPAB will consist of 15 members; in fact, in 2012 $15,000,000 was appropriated for the IPAB whose members, while ruling on Medicare benefits, would not be obliged to report to Congress. Each member is to be paid about $165,000 annually -- without, one emphasizes again, without the pesky necessity of reporting to Congress which would still retain theoretical control although much abbreviated. 

Here's how it'll work: the IPAB gets the authority to make changes in the Medicare program but Congress retains power to overrule the IPAB's decisions if, and only if, it can muster a supermajority vote.  Otherwise, a gaggle of 15 appointees would make decisions on matters that are life and death to the elderly and to the especially vulnerable, e.g., age limits for surgery, or for insulin, or for renal dialysis. 

The far reaching effects of the IPAB were actually realized as early as 2010. In the second presidential debate, Gov. Romney had the temerity to ask President Obama who would be appointed to the IPAB. Obama's answer was "doctors et cetera."

Wrong. Obama's answer,  stated with finality, was wrong, but Romney didn't know it and let the issue slide by. Meanwhile the president got away with debate mayhem. He answered incorrectly and wasn't called on it by his opponent or the moderator.  The fact is that there is nothing in the language of Sections 3403 or 13020 that requires even a single physician to be appointed to the IPAB. The entire panel of 15 is to be political appointees with some modicum of interest in healthcare, e.g., the now ill famed coterie of "healthcare providers," anybody but knowledgeable physicians and scholars.THAT is what Obama would protect by threatening legislation that he considers "tinkering." 

The intent of the IPAB in its role as supporter of the ACA is to assess if cost projections exceed targeted growth rates. If that happens, then the IPAB without reporting to Congress is supposed to find ways to reduce Medicare spending -- in short, what will amount to deprivation of care from especially vulnerable patients with advanced or incurable disease. This category will include the elderly. It will be the modern day equivalent of the ancient Eskimo custom of turning frail and elderly citizens loose on ice floes. The trouble is that one can easily see that there may come a time when building a highway competes financially with elder care or with younger patients who need expensive care or advanced surgery. 

What could the president have told us about Obamacare that might have given us a little warning of potentially dire consequences that might just be around the corner, say, at tax time which is just around the corner?

That will be our Part 2, so tune in tomorrow.

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